The Kybra Heritage Complex requires urgent restoration work. The site is being impacted by weeds, erosion, animals and farming activities. The Traditional owners have been doing this work over the last decade, from what they can, but need ongoing support to continue efforts.
With a small grant from the Western Australian Department of Aboriginal Affairs, the Undalup Association and Wadandi Custodians are working with community archaeologists from Applied Archaeology International to restore the area, and develop a site management plan to bring awareness for the respectful use of cultural heritage places
The plan outlines a 12 month-plan for on-ground action and monitoring, while developing a long-term heritage management plan to protection the cultural values and places.
1. To carry out urgent protection and restoration work at the Kybra Heritage Complex
2. Develop cultural heritage management plan for long-term conservation and protection.
Wadandi Elders, youth, cultural custodians and coordinators along with heritage specialists, will work together and carry out all site works that include weed control, fencing and revegetation around the rock art complex within the paddock. A rock art conservator will be engaged to do 3-D mapping of the rock art and linked to wider heritage surveys and assessment. This work will be the platform for developing a condition assessment and monitoring program for the cultural values and features.