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The Undalup Kambarang Children’s Week Event

Being held on Sunday 28th Oct 2018 from 10am till 2pm at the High Street Communiy Hall, 47 Bussell Hwy, Busselton.


The Childrens week event will be focusing on bringing all children and families together where we will provide a healthy lunch consisting of kangaroo stew, sandwiches, quiche, salads and fruit kebabs, with damper tea and coffee for the elders and parents of the children. 

We also would like to provide a great range of engaging activities for all the family members who attend the event, with a great variety of colouring in projects, a drumming workshop with dancing, cultural activities and the opportunity to create their own colourful shaped fruit kebabs and vegie mobiles.  The ever-popular reptile workshop will return, where the children have the opportunity to learn and know the correct way to handle and avoid reptiles, especially coming up in the season where they all reptiles are becoming active and get injured. We will also be making some bee hotels from recyclable tin cans for our bush food gardens and some to take home for all the family members.

Everyone welcomed to this free Family event.

Sponsored by:

Healthway, Lotterywest , Meerilinga, Government of Western Australia, Southern Ports, Go for 2&5, Caring for Reptile Southwest & Children's Week TM.

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